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Beyond the Voice Box

Chris McCall • May 03, 2022
Re-posted from my article in
Crazy Wisdom Journal
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By Chris McCall 03 May, 2022
Re-posted from my article in Crazy Wisdom Journal 5/1/2022
By Chris McCall 28 Feb, 2021
SPOTLIGHT Chris McCall Award winning singer, songwriter, vocal and life coach. Featured instructor and guest artist on Space Jam's recent songwriting workshop. NQP: How did your path with singing and songwriting begin? CM: I come from a family of musicians. I was influenced first by my older siblings and parents. In the mid eighties, I started a band with my cousin and my best friend. We were kind of glam rock, garage band at first. That’s when I started songwriting. I went on to release six albums of original material. NQP: What led you into combining meditation techniques with the art of performance? CM: I began practicing meditation at the same time that I started writing songs. Meditation is, among other things, a means of accessing unconscious material in your body/mind and creating a more spacious and loving internal environment. It’s from this internal ground that creative efforts are born. So, it’s a natural fit for any creative pursuit. I found in my work with performers that most of us, at some point in our creative life, reach a point of blockage or contraction. Meditation techniques can help you to turn your blockage into a deep well of creative energy that you can draw from again and again. The process of meditation is a process of getting to know yourself at subterranean levels and greeting yourself with ever deepening kindness. This has a positive effect on every aspect of your life. NQP: What are your best pieces of advice to beginner singer-songwriters? CM: When you are in the creative process, see your internal critic to the door. You can invite them back when it’s time to edit, but they have no role in the creative process. When we preemptively criticize our work we wind up blocking the flow of creativity. Analyze songs that you love. You might find a certain chord progression or melodic style resonates with you, or a combination of a melodic movement within a chord progression feels like magic. Experiment with including these influences in your own work. Tell the truth in your songs, even if it scares you. Trust that your own truth is important and “good enough”. Set a timer and write 3 ten minute songs in 30 minutes. You won’t be able to over think it. You just might find some gold! NQP: What do you find unique about being a vocal coach and performer in a diverse setting like the Ann Arbor community and the U-M campus? CM: I have had so many interesting and diverse students as a result of teaching in Ann Arbor. It’s been a gift to me to teach so many international students, people of color, students in the LGBTQ community, and students who are pursuing careers in tech, math and computer science. I never teach the same lesson twice and I have learned as much from my students as I have taught them, I’m sure. Ann Arbor is a community that values the arts and creative expression. I see the benefits of this in students young and old. Clearly, young creatives thrive when their creative life is nurtured and acknowledged, the benefits include better performance in academics and it also imparts a sense of well being, enthusiasm and positive self esteem. It’s great to be in a community that supports this work! Also I have many adult students in Ann Arbor, who may have left their creative life behind as the demands of adult living became predominant. These students can be particularly inspiring for me, as this process of reconnecting with their creative energy can be both uplifting and healing. There are many opportunities for adult beginners to connect with other musicians and perform in Ann Arbor. Sing Ann Arbor hosts recitals and karaoke nights for adult students who are interested in performing. The benefits are not limited to those who perform, however. The process of working with your breath, and opening and expanding your vocal abilities can positively effect many areas of your professional and personal life. LEARN MORE >> *Reposted from:
By Chris McCall 05 Jan, 2021
Re-posted from my article in Crazy Wisdom Journal 4/20/2020
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